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Nietuzinkowy Marek Aureliusz

The extraordinary Marcus Aurelius

Another book bound to a private order is The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.

The extraordinary Marcus Aurelius

Another book bound to a private order is The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.

Pamiętniki i memoriały polityczne Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego

Memoirs and Political Memoirs of Adam Jerzy Cza...

Political Memoirs and Memoirs were published in 1986 and contain both Czartoryski's personal memories and documents relating to his geopolitical concepts, especially in the context of European conflicts and Poland's...

Memoirs and Political Memoirs of Adam Jerzy Cza...

Political Memoirs and Memoirs were published in 1986 and contain both Czartoryski's personal memories and documents relating to his geopolitical concepts, especially in the context of European conflicts and Poland's...


Justus Erich Walbaum: The Typography Revolution

Justus Erich Walbaum (1779–1837) was a German typographer and type designer who introduced groundbreaking changes in the history of printing.

Justus Erich Walbaum: The Typography Revolution

Justus Erich Walbaum (1779–1837) was a German typographer and type designer who introduced groundbreaking changes in the history of printing.

O ubostwie i ubogich

About poverty and the poor

"On Poverty and the Poor" (1827) is one of the most important studies on the issue of poverty in Poland and is still considered a breakthrough in economic literature.

About poverty and the poor

"On Poverty and the Poor" (1827) is one of the most important studies on the issue of poverty in Poland and is still considered a breakthrough in economic literature.

biblioteka ręcznie oprawiane książki

Rambler Library

We have been publishing books for over ten years. During this time we have published almost 60 unique editions, by authors as diverse as George Byron, Jan Kochanowski, Stanisław Trembecki,...

Rambler Library

We have been publishing books for over ten years. During this time we have published almost 60 unique editions, by authors as diverse as George Byron, Jan Kochanowski, Stanisław Trembecki,...

Pałac w Dębinkach

The Palace in Dębinki

Taking advantage of the spring weather, we visited the manor house in Dębinki. Especially since it is almost "next door", only a 35-minute drive away.

The Palace in Dębinki

Taking advantage of the spring weather, we visited the manor house in Dębinki. Especially since it is almost "next door", only a 35-minute drive away.