Collection: Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski) was born on 3 December 1857 in Berdyczów, and died on 3 August 1924 in Bishopsbourne. An outstanding English writer and publicist of Polish origin.

In 1874 he went to France and signed on as a simple sailor. In 1894 he settled in Great Britain and devoted himself to writing. As a result, he was able to publish his first novel in 1895. Almayer's Folly . Korzeniowski's work remains an isolated phenomenon in world literature. Michał Choromański in the title of one of his novels called Joseph Conrad "the Slovak of tropical islands". Most of the translations into Polish, authorized by Korzeniowski, are the work of the writer's cousin Aniela Zagórska.

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