News & Blog

Papiery, balony i jakobin

Papers, balloons and Jacobin

And papers have their own history, which you could read about on this blog . Let's now take a closer look at Johannot paper, on which Angela Soltys' book Między...

Papers, balloons and Jacobin

And papers have their own history, which you could read about on this blog . Let's now take a closer look at Johannot paper, on which Angela Soltys' book Między...

Napoleon z Johannotem

Napoleon with Johannot

Napoleon with Johannot, Johannot with us can be said about the paper that we present below. We have already written about paper several times on this blog Johannot , which we used...

Napoleon with Johannot

Napoleon with Johannot, Johannot with us can be said about the paper that we present below. We have already written about paper several times on this blog Johannot , which we used...

Papier welinowy

Vellum paper

Vellum paper meant a revolution in the way paper was made. Today, we instinctively tend to treat ribbed paper as something nobler than the commonly available smooth paper. Meanwhile, for...

Vellum paper

Vellum paper meant a revolution in the way paper was made. Today, we instinctively tend to treat ribbed paper as something nobler than the commonly available smooth paper. Meanwhile, for...

Duma z Johannota

Pride of Johannot

Below is a photo of Pierre Mongez's book, Tableaux et statues de la Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti . The richly illustrated four volumes in the format 54.5...

Pride of Johannot

Below is a photo of Pierre Mongez's book, Tableaux et statues de la Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti . The richly illustrated four volumes in the format 54.5...

Burke w druku

Burke in print

The New Year has passed industriously. The effects are already in: the first, finished contributions of Two Letters Addressed to a Member of the Present Parliament, on the Proposals for...

Burke in print

The New Year has passed industriously. The effects are already in: the first, finished contributions of Two Letters Addressed to a Member of the Present Parliament, on the Proposals for...

Brygadą w Antykwę

Brigade to Antiqua

Nothing has amused me more recently than the official pomposity accompanying the presentation of the Brygada 1918 font. It is an electronic version of a previously unknown typeface, discovered in...

Brigade to Antiqua

Nothing has amused me more recently than the official pomposity accompanying the presentation of the Brygada 1918 font. It is an electronic version of a previously unknown typeface, discovered in...