"Cesarz Tyberiusz" by Kazimierz Morawski will soon be available in our bookstore. The last novelty from Rambler Press in 2021. An interesting fact is that we have set the book in a new (at least in Rambler Press) font, with an extremely interesting story.
When working on "The Emperor Tiberius" we used the Bunel font, published in 2019 by Commercial Type from New York. This is an electronic version of the type cut between 1796 and 1801 by John Isaac Drury for Elisabeth Caslon, owner of the famous Caslon Foundry, established in 1737. The type cut by the founder of the foundry William Caslon and William Caslon II dominated British typography for several decades . However, at the end of the 18th century they were considered out of fashion and gradually were falling into disuse . Drury's work, referring to the then fashionable continental typefaces of Bodoni and Didot, but with a British character, was to restore the importance of the Caslon company. And it must be admitted that it succeeded.
Drury cut his first font, Double Pica (approx. 22 pt) in 1796. In 1799, another size, Pica (approx. 12 pt) appeared, and in 1801 English (14 pt). The new typeface became popular immediately, dominating (along with the fonts cut by William Martin and Richard Austin ) on the market in the early 19th century. Now, however, he begins his adventure with Rambler's books. "Cesarz Tyberiusz" by Kazimierz Morawski is just the beginning!