Phaedra by Jean Racine
Phaedra by Jean Racine. Binding made by Magdalena Bulanda on an individual order from one of the clients. Three-part Bradel in leather version and folding, canvas clamshell box.
The binding of this book took almost half a year to create. First, there was the outline of the concept, then sewing, sanding, shading the leather... the work went well until the moment of cutting out letters from 0.2 mm thick leather. The whole thing was already at such an advanced stage that correcting the project was almost impossible, and the deadline for completion was approaching with great strides. So cutting out a few letters, for the front of the cover, took an entire day... Surgical precision was needed here.
The standard version of "Phaedra", also in a binding made by Magdalena Bulanda, can be found here: click
Jean Racine, Phaedra, translated by Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński, Rambler Press 2022. Painted block edges, endpapers made of hand-painted paste paper, leather headbands.