Letters of Regicide Peace
The next bibliophile edition is fast approaching. A delivery of paper for printing Edmund Burke's Letters of Letters on a Regicide Peace has just arrived. This is the second book by Edmund Burke that we have published. In 2013, we published the Polish translation of Letter to a Member of the National Assembly .
The book was first published in London in the autumn of 1796 and became a bestseller, which is hardly surprising considering the fame enjoyed by its author. Although William Pitt, the British Prime Minister at the time, was to say that it contains many sentences that arouse admiration and few thoughts that one can agree with.
Our edition will be published in English in an edition of 30 numbered copies. The text is set in Bodoni Old Style 14 pt., and the side texts in ITC Bodoni 12. The prepared cylindrical cotton paper comes from the Arches paper mill founded in 1492, one of the oldest such enterprises in Europe. The binding will be handmade, in a classicizing style, characteristic of books from our publishing house. The whole thing will be provided with a case. They should be in our Letters bookstore at the turn of January and February 2018.