Pamiętniki i memoriały polityczne Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego

Memoirs and Political Memoirs of Adam Jerzy Czartoryski

Another valuable item has arrived in our private library – Pamiętniki i memoriały polityczne 1776–1809 by Adam Jerzy Czartoryski . This is an extensive source edition prepared by Jerzy Skowronek, an outstanding historian specializing in the Napoleonic era and the history of Polish political emigration in the 19th century. The book is a key testimony to Czartoryski's activity as a statesman, showing his reflections on Polish and European affairs and his involvement in diplomacy, especially in the first years of the 19th century.

Jerzy Skowronek (1940–1996) was a renowned researcher of modern and 19th-century history, author of numerous works on Napoleon, the Great Emigration, and Russian policy towards Poland. His works include biographies of Józef Sułkowski and General Dąbrowski, as well as monographs on Polish-French relations. He also edited sources, which allowed for a reliable and critical study of Czartoryski's writings.

Pamiętniki i memoriały polityczne (Diaries and Political Memoirs) were published in 1986 and contain both Czartoryski's personal memories and documents concerning his geopolitical concepts, especially in the context of European conflicts and Poland's role in the international arena. Skowronek's edition is distinguished by its scholarly integrity, rich critical apparatus and commentaries that facilitate understanding of the era. Thanks to it, we can better understand the political thought of one of the most outstanding Polish activists of the 19th century.

Binding made by hand, in full leather.

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