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François de La Rochefoucauld

Moral maxims and considerations

Moral maxims and considerations

Regular price $424.00
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François de la Rochefoucauld , a seventeenth-century aristocrat, writer and moral philosopher, left behind a work that has delighted and inspired for centuries: Moral maxims and considerations . This extraordinary collection of concise, pointed and deeply penetrating thoughts is one of the most important works of French literature and a key point of reference for reflection on human nature.

La Rochefoucauld was a man with a unique biography: on the one hand, closely linked to the court of Louis XIV, on the other, entangled in the political intrigues and conflicts of the Fronde era.

It was his life experiences that taught him the art of perceiving hidden motivations and subtle mechanisms that govern human actions. In his Maxims he exposes human flaws and weaknesses, but he does it with extraordinary sensitivity and elegance.

Why is it worth reaching for “Maxims”?

Each maxim opens up a whole world of reflection for the reader. “People are more interested in the desire for happiness than in happiness itself” – doesn’t that sound contemporary? La Rochefoucauld’s work transcends the boundaries of time, revealing universal truths about our nature.

The author analyzes with surgical precision the motives that drive human actions. His maxims are not just criticism – they are an invitation to self-reflection and a better understanding of oneself.

La Rochefoucauld's style is the quintessence of French elegance. His sentences are not only wise, but also literary. The writer's work can be read as a guide to human emotions and morality. Maxims they challenge our habits, making us think deeper about what really drives our choices.

Maxims La Rochefoucauld's works are still extremely relevant today. Reading them requires stopping and thinking. In times when we are so easily deceived by illusions about ourselves and others, it is worth reaching for
words of an author who mercilessly, but with humor, exposes our weaknesses.


30 copies printed on Century Laid 100 g ribbed cotton paper. Hand-made binding.

The text was based on the 1925 edition and set in the Antykwa Półtawskiego font, prepared by Bogusław Jackowski, Janusz M. Nowacki and Piotr Strzelczyk.

This is an electronic version of the fonts designed by Adam Jerzy Półtawski in 1928 and cast by Idźkowski & Ska in 1931.

The original language has been preserved.

Format 165×254, volume 168 pp. With case.

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